Marshall Reddick: Comeback Company with Investor Resources
Hey, I’m Paul, the Real Estate Spy.
Just want to shake your virtual hand, give you a virtual cuppa joe, and see what’s up!
I’m glad you’re here, and I hope this review scratches the itch for ya.
You want the low-down on Marshall Reddick, yes? Interesting story! Kinda has a different twist from the other REI gurus out there. We’ll get to it in two secs.
First, can I just put the ask to ya: what brings you to swim in this pool?
Things drying up on the job front? Got a passion evaporation? Vibing a drought of clout?
Maybe it has to do with your stream of cash. Like, it’s just . . . well . . . not. What stream? Wife needs this, the house needs that, and HECK, when did your kid start consuming food like a freaking GREAT WHITE?
Hey, if that’s you, I get it. Or I got it.
Past tense.
Not there now, cuz a guy who was a genius at internet marketing tapped me on the shoulder and said, Bro, check out digital properties. Yeah, you heard me. You can actually backstroke through Ben Franklins if you do this thing.
I did. And I haven’t looked back. (To Marshall Reddick real estate reviews in one sec.)
(Lemme quick tell you I did the hero-to-zero thing in REI: picked up a bunch o’ cribs, held ‘em, lost ‘em. Yeah. All of them. Those were sucky days, I can tell ya. Bankruptcy, divorce, you name it. On the way back up to the surface is when I met the guy that showed me what to do next.)
Soooo . . . I get your gig.
But wanna know the absolute game changer for me?