Ahhh… the seductive search for paradise.
-Okay so Tyler G Hicks has been around for a while . . . four-score years and then some.
He’s not a new fish in the real estate pond or in the world of writing. He has managed to churn out a whole gob of books over the last twenty-plus years. You definitely can’t dispute the fact that he burns the wheels off that Selectric.
Hicks focuses his writing on a few specific topics: real estate, business and engineering-related stuff.
The review today is mostly about his real estate writing since that’s what I assume you’re here for.
I’m gonna get to that review in just a few minutes. But before we get there I just want to ask you why you stopped by.
I mean, I know you came for the review, But what’s underneath that?
Are you thinking that real estate is your new ticket to bliss? Nirvana? Utopia? as seen above?
Maybe that’s an exaggeration. Maybe you’re just looking at real estate investing as a way to get away from where you are. The tedious. The boring. The treadmill.
And maybe you’re thinking that it’s a great way to make an extra buck. You hear all the stories about these guys that have made a million dollars with no money down and they did it from home while they were chillaxing with their pina coladas, feet up, cheering on their home boys . . . and it all sounds so easy.
Well, I kind of thought that too. Not so much that it was going to be easy but that it was a great way to get out of what I was doing and make a bunch of money quick.
So I jumped into it and did everything that I thought I was supposed to do and then ended up with my ass in foreclosure-land. Yeah. No fun.
Took me seven years to claw my way back to the surface. And I can tell you that was no fun either.
Along the way, I met a guy with the golden touch in the internet world. He showed me another way to turn a profit that fortunately didn’t have anything to do with real estate. Nope. The properties he taught me how to deal with are digital. Yep, digital.
Did that make you look twice? Check out my recommended resources area to learn more about this.
Or you can jump down below to the Hicks review now!
My Tyler G Hicks Review
So, Tyler G Hicks author. Like I said earlier, he primarily writes books on real estate and home-based business opportunities.
He established International Wealth Success in 1966. This is a resource for anyone interested in developing alternative sources of income in the area of business and real estate.
Hicks uses the terms Beginning Wealth Builder and Experienced Wealth Builder. His website is designed to help both Beginning Wealth Builders and Experienced Wealth Builders in creating and establishing their own small business and knowing how to choose the right business, get started, finance it, and make it succeed.
He claims to provide practical hands-on and step-by-step guidance to help Beginning Wealth Builders and Experience Wealth builders achieve their goals and launch successful businesses.
IWS offers consultation and provides tools in the way of newsletter information, products, books, and courses.
Books and resources are divided into categories. These include real estate, export /import, grants and fundraising, financing, mail order, and miscellaneous.
For those specifically interested in real estate books and home study courses, the IWS website has quite a few books and kits for sale.
K-34 IWS Commercial Real Estate Riches Kit can be purchased for $150. Hicks describes commercial real estate as being all business. He claims that commercial real estate tenants tend to view the landlord as a fellow business person, so they are more likely than a residential tenant to pay the rent on time, allow you (the landlord) to make needed repairs, and leave you alone on weekends.
The book is 200 pages and covers topics such as:
- how and where to find profitable commercial properties,
- when to make a bid on a commercial property,
- what to tell a lender when you’re applying for a loan for commercial property
- where is the best place to get 100 % financing for commercial properties
- commercial lenders list
- what to look for a commercial property to ensure that you will get the needed funding
How to build riches in real estate with single-family homes using other people’s money is a 200- page book that costs $150.
The book titled Selected lenders providing commercial and residential construction loans in the US and Canada costs $29.50. The book includes a list of more than 800 construction loan lenders and loan program descriptions, full contact information for each lender with toll-free numbers, 20 pages of sample loan packages and key documents used to obtain construction loans, an overview of key points about residential and commercial construction financing.
K 32 multi-family home and multi-unit real estate riches kit by Tyler G Hicks is a 200-page book that costs $150. This book focuses on zero money down methods that a real estate investor can implement to purchase multi-unit buildings even for an investor with weak credit.
How to make millions in real estate in three years starting with no cash is probably Hicks’ most well-known book. In this book, Hicks shares his proven methods for finding bargain properties, financing deals, and managing investment properties.
Join the national association for real estate finance is a portal for the interested real estate investor to join the national association for real estate finance. Members in this association receive monthly data on lenders, a membership certificate, free monthly advertising, free Internet advertising, and various other minor perks. The cost of the first year’s membership is $295.
These are just a few of the resources offered on the IWS products page.
The export-import tab on the products page contains some unique information: publications that demonstrate how to start and run an international business.
The books and resources in this category cover financing of export and import deals, sources of high discount products for import, how to complete proper documentation for importing and exporting, how to identify reliable freight service providers, and examples of basic commercial correspondence in several languages.
Tyler G Hicks is a prolific author in his own right. Goodreads lists numerous books by Hicks covering several specific topics (engineering-related, small business startup, and real estate investing).
Some of his titles not related to real estate investing include Civil engineering formulas, Handbook of civil engineering calculations, 199 great home businesses you can start, 203 home-based businesses that will make you rich, Standard handbook of engineering.
Most of his books, however, are on real estate investing. Goodreads lists these in no particular order. They are:
- How to make millions in real estate in three years starting with no cash
- How to raise all the money you need for any business
- How to acquire $1 million in income real estate in one year using borrowed money in your free time
- How to start your own business on a shoestring and make up to $500,000 a year
- How to borrow your way to real estate riches
- 209 fast spare time ways to build zero cash into seven figures a year in real estate.
Hicks’s real estate books focus on a range of topics including mortgaging out, buying foreclosures, no money down investing, zero cash investing, financing options, and real estate property options.
On a different landing page (tylerhicks.lifecoachforprofit.com), I found a video series by Hicks called, “How to Become a Business Broker.” By signing up, you get the first 4 videos for free (no mention of how many are included in the total series.)
In this series, participants are promised information on:
- The Biggest Opportunities For New Financial Business Brokers In 2015 And Beyond.
- Why Becoming A Financial Broker Is So Important.
- How You Become A Financial Business Broker From Home.
- The 3 Keys To Complying With State Or City License Requirements When Opening A Financial
It isn’t stated how much this series costs.
Hicks has a blog site at TylerHicksRealEstateFinance.blogspot.com. He doesn’t have a real active presence on this blog site. His most recent blog was posted about a month before this writing, and the post before that was about nine months prior.
In all, this particular blog site contains less than 30 blogs posted over a span of 10 years.
Hicks doesn’t have a YouTube channel and virtually no podcasts that I could find. Also, independent reviews of his materials are pretty scant, other than the generalized write-up and acknowledgment that some of his books have landed on best-seller lists.
I found no negative reports on Hicks on any of the consumer report/complaint sites.
To sum up, Hicks isn’t your typical real-estate investor educator guru with seminars and home-study courses and their obligatory manuals and 17 DVDs for the standard $997.
Instead, he’s mostly the guy that cranks out the words and produces crops of books. He’s covered a lot of topics and some of his stuff has made its way onto best-seller lists.
There’s plenty to choose from. For more specifics on his books, check them out at his website, iwsmoney.com.
Thanks for stopping by!
-Paul (the Real Estate Spy)